Refreshing when one have long forgotten how to better care of oneself
Refreshing when one have long forgotten how to better care of oneself
I liked how the app was simple and easy to use, but the facts that were given were either way too generic (for ex: fatty foods increase heart problems) OR oddly specific (like how to cook shrimp). The app is good for motivating people who have bad health habits, but I dont want basic, already-known facts. I want useful, "new" ones!
Healthy tips are good
This app is very helpful. Its not only informative but also positive. It gives you tips to live a healthier and more positive life.
This app is full of little common sense tidbits but nothing actually helpful or informative. I suppose its meant for those that know literally nothing about health. If you didnt already know to "eat more vegetables and fruits" "make your home comfortable" or to "develop your sense of humor" (yes those are actual full quotes from this app) then this is the app for you! Otherwise, this app is a complete waste of time and youll soon realize as I did that a good chunk of these quotes were written by the same guys that write fortune cookie fortunes.
Facts are good 68 + 1 = ?
The app just tells you things about fitness and health that are already common sense. Every now and then, itll say something like "this usually adds this many calories to this" but yeah this app is useless and redundant if you already know anything about fitness. It doesnt even look nice. Its just a poor quality app overall.
Very useful app, I learn something different everyday from this. Thanks !
This is a great app everyday I read five tips the tips are helpful
Obviously Most of people do not know almost nothing about Fitness or excellent healthy diet! Or they would not be so so sick and with so much weight. No offense... I see that dr Oz and others are seriously insulted instead admired! Why? People want eat junk! This app is amazing!!! I am super super healthy, I am 54 yo, size 4! Curvy, no health problems-I do lab and everything is ok! I do almost everything this app tells us to do about food and exercise So it IS an EXCELLENT app if you want be healthy! The first review is ridiculous! Most of tips really provide outstanding medical advices! It is like I am talking to my doctor here! Bravo.
Its kind of confusing
Great Health facts. Simple and fun to read
This app is well written and isnt full of typos. And like the other apps I have gotten from this developer, it is voice over friendly for those looking for accessible apps.